Patch 10.0.7 - Orc Heritage Armor: Feast for the Ancestors

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Aside from Varok Saurfang's messages for Eitrigg and Thrall, each ancestor also has something special to share if you speak with them.


Draka, Thrall's mother, is recognizable in her Maldraxxus armor, but for today, her thoughts are with the people she loved in life.

You are a <class> of many virtues, bravery and tenacity most of all. I am glad that Go'eI has had your aid.

The return of the Kosh'harg represents a turning point for our people. After our long suffering, a brighter future has finally been reached.

If Draka recognizes you as a member of the Necrolord covenant, the second line changes to this:

It is good to see you again. my friend! I am not at all surprised that you have had a hand in bringing about this glorious day. There is no finer choice of orc for the first completion of the rite.


Durotan, Thrall's father, who we never had a chance to meet in the Shadowlands, is greatly honored to finally see the land that was named after him.

Hail, <name>! The first seeker of true honor!

I am finally able to see this land called "Durotar" With my own eyes! I am ever honored that my son chose this name for the new home of the orcs.

Thank you for being his friend and ally. He has certainly had his trials. but has nevertheless found happiness and family.

Varok Saurfang

Varok Saurfang, legendary hero, died for honor in a mak'gora against Sylvanas. Though he may have spent some time in the Maw, it seems we can establish is soul is now free, and even seems at peace in a way that he never quite was in life.

There is nothing more to say. We are proud of all you have accomplished, and will be watching over you as our people cross the threshold of a new age.

Please, deliver my messages to the others when you can. After everything that happened. they will want to know that all is well in the end.

If the player chose loyalty to Saurfang over Sylvanas throughout Battle for Azeroth, he says the following lines instead:

Hail, <name>! The first seeker of true honor!

In the darkest days of the Horde, when defying the will of a tyrant risked death, you stood at my side. If you had not aided me on that day in the Swamp of Sorrows, I would never have been able to show our people what Sylvanas had truly become.

It is due to your efforts that our people will cross over this threshold into a bright new age. We will continue to watch over you with pride.

Please, deliver my messages to the others when you can. After everything that happened, they will want to know that all is well in the end.

Oh, and one last message, if you do not mind: Next time you see Zekhan, tell him I have found them. My family.

Durak says: Did that really just happen? Father speaks of Saurfang often. He misses him.

Once the spirits fade away, we still have Saurfang's messages to deliver. He asked us to tell Eitrigg that he was right...

Eitrigg says: Hah! Only in death would he admit it. Ah, I miss him.

And Thrall that he is heartened to have dragged him out of seclusion - a reference to the cinematic Safe Haven, which became a turning point for Thrall.

Thrall says: Saurfang! What was his message?
Thrall says: I am glad you did too, old friend.

Broxigar the Red

Broxigar the Red, Saurfang's older brother, once journeyed through time to the War of the Ancients, where he became one of the only known mortals to inflict a wound on the mighty Sargeras. He died helping to save Azeroth and is remembered as one of the greatest heroes the Horde has ever known.

You and I are alike. Willing to put our lives on the line to protect what matters. The orcs, the Horde, Azeroth itself.

Continue being the exemplar of honor and might to our people. Never abandon your willingness to fight until the end.

Lok-tar Ogar! I will see you again on the other side, and will look forward to the stories of your victories.

Grommash Hellscream

Grommash Hellscream is yet another hero who died for the sake of the Horde - sacrificing his life to free his people from the Blood Curse. Of all the ancestors, he is the only one to express regret, as he speaks painfully of the sins of his son, Garrosh.

Look how far the orcs have come. In my time we knew only harsh survival, fleeing one set of shackles after another.

I know that the memory of my sacrifice has been wielded for many causes. but I do not fault anyone for fighting for a brighter future for orcs. Everything that happened since my death has led to this moment of unity!

If I have one regret, it is that I was not alive to guide my son down a better path. Let his story be a warning to those that remain.

Ogrim Doomhammer

Finally, Ogrim Doomhammer, Warchief of the Old Horde, Thrall's mentor and friend, seems satisfied that Thrall has donned his armor again. Once, Thrall set aside the Doomhammer armor when he was feeling conflicted and unworthy. The significance of his choice to wear it again has not gone unnoticed, and it's heartwarming to see Ogrim himself express his approval.

How everything has changed since I fell in Arathi! The orcs have come to another foreign land, but this time free of the subjugation of the humans. They have found their place among all these other races, true brothers and sisters in arms! I am truly proud of all of you.

And I will be honest--I am glad Thrall has returned to wearing my armor after his years of inner strife. He has always struggled to balance the warrior and the shaman within himself. but it seems he has finally found a place of happiness.