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Quick Facts

Lashtail Hatchling

Vendor Locations

This item can be purchased in Frostwall  (39), Lunarfall  (12), Dalaran  (6), Thunder Bluff  (6), Shattrath City  (5), Blade's Edge Mountains  (4), Undercity  (4), Isle of Thunder  (3), Orgrimmar  (3), Thunder Totem  (3), Amirdrassil  (2), Badlands  (2), Broken Shore  (2), Deepholm  (2), Desolace  (2), Eversong Woods  (2), Hillsbrad Foothills  (2), Krokuun  (2), Kun-Lai Summit  (2), Nagrand  (2), Nazjatar  (2), Nazmir  (2), Searing Gorge  (2), Shimmering Expanse  (2), Sholazar Basin  (2), Silithus  (2), Silverpine Forest  (2), Thaldraszus  (2), The Cape of Stranglethorn  (2), The Hinterlands  (2), The Veiled Stair  (2), Uldum  (2), Valley of the Four Winds  (2), Vol'dun  (2), Arathi Highlands , Ardenweald , Ashenvale , Azuremyst Isle , Bastion , Blasted Lands , Boralus , Borean Tundra , Dalaran , Dragonblight , Dread Wastes , Dun Morogh , Durotar , Duskwood , Elwynn Forest , Emerald Dream , Fall of Shan Bu , Feralas , Grizzly Hills , Hellfire Peninsula , Highmountain , Howling Fjord , Icecrown , Isle of Quel'Danas , Krasarang Wilds , Maldraxxus , Mount Hyjal , Mulgore , Netherstorm , Northern Barrens , Northern Stranglethorn , Ohn'ahran Plains , Revendreth , Ruins of Gilneas , Shadowmoon Valley , Southern Barrens , Spires of Arak , Stonetalon Mountains , Stormsong Valley , Stormwind City , Swamp of Sorrows , Tanaris , Terokkar Forest , The Azure Span , The Jade Forest , The Storm Peaks , The Waking Shores , Tirisfal Glades , Townlong Steppes , Twilight Highlands , Uldum , Valdrakken , Vale of Eternal Blossoms , Western Plaguelands , Wetlands , Winterspring , Zangarmarsh , Zaralek Cavern , Zul'Drak , and Zuldazar .


